Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to Make a Tessellation!

Today, Shim and Kristian will teach you...

How to make a tessellation!

Read more, so you could impress your friends!
There are many ways that a tessellation can be made, but here's a really nice kind of tessellation that isn't hard to create. Here's how to make one:

1. Gather your materials.
-Index Card
-Glue Stick
-Regular Paper

2. Using the index card, draw any polygon, making sure that one side of the polygon is the edge of the index card.
*If you like nature, you can make a polygon that is related to a "thing" in nature, for example, a leaf, even though it will have a straight edge
3. Cut the polygon with scissors.

4. Now use the cut-up polygon and align the polygon's side edge with the other side of the card. Glue it at that intersection.

5. You have just made a figure out of a index card! You will use this as a stencil. Use this stencil to start tracing on a regular paper. Preferably, start on the corner of the paper to see better results. Keep doing this, making sure there are no gaps, until you complete the whole page with tessellations.

6. After you complete the page, you have the option to color it to make it look nice!

*If you want your tessellation to look "naturey," color it in "nature" colors, like green and brown.

You are done! Doesn't yours look nice?
I hope this helps you make an nice and easy tessellation. Send us some tessellations!

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