Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why is Geometry in Nature even important?!

So you guys may all be wondering about the general things about Geometry in Nature, but you might also wanna know...

Why is it even important?

Read more to find out!

Well you need to know that nature has come around ever since and the people living in nature must've been wondering about the nature and how it works. Probably anyone (or some people, aka mathematicians) may have wondered the patterns of nature and how they occur, so these mathematicians could have observed these parts of nature, coming up with new conjectures to these parts of mature. People as early as early Egypt discovered new things just out of nature. These early conjectures from nature may have been accepted in today's math world, or they have been tested by other mathematicians later on to become the rules of math (specifically geometry).

Here's another debatable question we wanna know:

Were there any other ways that math could've been developed earlier that nature?

Answer below! We wanna know!

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